Whether your water feature is large or small, traditional or stainless steel, it will still need TLC throughout the year to keep it working at its best. This is especially important in the winter, as freezing temperatures can be a problem if you’re not prepared. If the water in the fountain bowls is allowed to freeze, it expands causing damage to the pump and fountain bowl.

At OutdoorLivingUK we want your water feature to have a long life, so here are some tips to keep it protected…


Your water feature should be cleaned periodically. Leaves, twigs and blossoms should also be removed from the fountain. Solar panels and lighting should be checked for cracks on a regular basis. The beginning of winter is a great time to do this.

The UK usually has a mild enough climate that all our garden fountains can be left running virtually all year round. Even as the frosty mornings arrive the movement of the water and the slight warmth generated by the pump will keep your fountain free from ice.

We recommend purchasing a Frost Proof Winter Kit, this includes sterilisation tablets for cleaning and Fountain Frost Proof to stop the water from freezing.

If you’re not planning on using your water feature during the winter we advise that you drain all the bowls out and pour the water out from the main reservoir inside the fountain. (A tip here if you are struggling to get all the water out, place a towel inside the back and this will soak up excess water).

Once drained apply a Winter Protection Cover for total protection and prolong the life of the paint finish, drain the fountain, cover and store indoors.

The pump should be removed from the fountain and stored in a dry area.

This advice should keep your water feature in tip-top condition, but if you have any queries give us a call on 01733 688464.